In your comment, please post each Pro's thesis statement followed by topic sentences supporting that side's position.
Thesis: Haiti's recovery efforts have been hampered by an corrupt and ineffective government.
Thesis: Haiti's recovery efforts have been slowed due to inconsistent global assistance and a severe drop-off of media and medical attention.
ReplyDeleteThesis: Dowry is an important traditional custom that should be continued in India.
TS: Fathers want to support their daughters when they get married, so they are happy to continue dowry customs.
TS: The laws made in order to abolish dowry customs are harming men and their families.
TS: Dowry has existed in India for many years, so the tradition should be continued.
Thesis: Dowry should be completely abolished in India.
TS: Indian women are frequently killed and abused because their families are unable to pay the dowry.
TS: Dowry is a sexist custom.
TS: There is a very small ration of girla to boys in India becaues of dowry.
ReplyDeleteThesis: Mexican drug cartels are flourishing due to a lack of police staff and training.
TS: Women without any training are being promoted to police chief without being given even a gun.
TS: Local police - when they remain in their post - are being given administrative duties while the government sends in troops to supposedly protect the populace.
TS: Fatal shootouts with police, beheadings of civilians, and threats against everyone are common and have only increased despite intense police and military work.
Thesis: Drug cartels in Mexico are supported by a corrupt government.
TS: Many members of the Los Zetas cartel are ex-special operations who were removed from their position on charges of corruption.
TS: It is suspected that the leaders of many cartels are government officials controlling both their country and the men tearing their country apart.
TS: The corruption and violence terrify civilians while the rich officials are bought over and do nothing.
ReplyDeleteThesis: The Philippines needs direct action in the country recovering from disasters and building stronger infrastructures.
TS: Direct action is needed in the country because the people are desperate for help. This option gives the Philippine people direct attention.
TS: The sooner that the Philippine government has restored hope in the people, the country can begin to thrive again.
TS: Providing direct action in the country will be quicker and more efficient.
Thesis: The Philippines needs to reduce it's national poverty level in order to reduce the amount of citizens vulnerable to natural disasters.
TS: Reducing poverty before taking action creates a solution that is long-term.
TS: Reducing poverty is going to require some money but is not as costly as other options.
TS: Reducing poverty in order to reduce disaster risk solves two national problems in the Philippines at once.
Thesis: Whaling should be legal.
ReplyDeleteTS: the whaling industry has provided jobs for people who might not have had one otherwise.
TS: Just because whaling seems immoral to most people, this reason does not give the government a reason to create a law to ban it.
TS: In some countries, like Japan, whale meat has always been a part of their cultural diet.
Thesis: Whaling should be illegal.
TS: The ecosystem would be greatly affected if these endangered species were to become extinct.
TS: They have a right as living creatures to exist.
TS: The way they are killed is cruel and inhumane.
Pro 1-
ReplyDeleteThesis: Chocolate consumers should boycott chocolate companies that use cocoa produced by child slaves in the Ivory Coast so that the children can be free.
TS: Children between the ages of 6 and 14 are being trafficked into Ivorian cocoa farms to do hard manual labor.
TS: These children are being regularly beaten and abused.
TS: Farmers should not be rewarded for enslaving and abusing children.
Pro 2-
Thesis: A boycott of cocoa produced by child slaves in the Ivory Coast would be devastating to all who live there.
TS: The entire Ivorian economy would collapse, possibly causing another civil war.
TS: Farmers who own the cocoa farms would be forced to either die of starvation or sell their own children into slavery or prositution.
TS: The child slaves freed would be forced onto the streets and into prositution or die of starvation.
Pro 1
ReplyDeleteThesis: The abuse of international food trade for the disposal of surplus food keeps third-world countries from moving forward in economic recovery.
TS: Surplus food sold at very low prices causes local farmers to be pushed off the market.
TS: Sale of locally-grown food is important to the continued survival of the community.
TS: Communities that are self-sustaining can continue to grow into more profitable industries.
Pro 2
Thesis: A lack of supply management and legal discipline allows food trade abuses to continue.
TS: Food dumping is often hard to identify.
TS: Officials are slow to take action against the issue.
TS: It is difficult for donors to tell when they are helping or hurting.
Pro 1:
ReplyDeleteThesis: Countries should seek regulation rather than prohibition of human trafficking and prostitution.
TS: By making human trafficking and prostitution illegal, an underground network of crime will emerge, making the issue even more difficult to prevent.
TS: Sexual exploitation will emerge in environments where it is prohibited.
TS: If regulated, countries will become increasingly aware of what is occurring, whereas if prohibited, black markets and organized crime will rule.
Pro 2:
Thesis: Countries should seek prohibition rather than regulation of human trafficking and prostitution.
TS: If trafficking is allowed, extermination of traffickers will be out of the question because of legal loopholes.
TS: If human trafficking and prostitution are allowed, society will become accustomed to the idea and widen what is socially acceptable.
TS: If the victim is uneducated, pimps and brothel owners can use their vulnerability in order to cover themselves legally.
Pro 1
ReplyDeleteThesis: The Chinese government is within its rights to censor the information coming in and out of the country.
TS: Because of the superiority that the government has, they are able to do whatever they deem necessary to keep the citizens of China safe.
TS: The people of China must obey the laws set before them, no matter how oppressive the government may seem.
TS: Throughout the country, people disobey the laws set forth by the Chinese government, and in order to give the impression of being in control, the government can punish people according to the law and the egregiousness of the problem.
Pro 2
Thesis: The Chinese people deserve to have freedom in their own homeland without the constant burden of having cyberspace filtered.
TS: The Chinese people are entitled to their right to knowledge and should be able to know what is happening in the world, and even in their homeland.
TS: With the constant threat of "big brother" watching, the people in China cannot express themselves safely without the risk of being severely punished.
TS: Because of human rights, the Chinese people should have the freedom to do what they please in their own country.
The Ugandan government knows best when handling Kony and the LRA.
ReplyDelete-TS: The Ugandan military has made attempts at compromising with Kony, even offering him amnesty, to try to put an end to the LRA's existence.
-TS: The army has attempted to eliminate Kony and his army to end the reign of terror in Uganda.
-TS: The Ugandan government is also trying to receive aid from the international community, asking for help in indicting Kony.
The Ugandan civilians know best when handling Kony and the LRA .
-TS: The community has been able to keep children out of the grasp of Kony, sending them to bigger cities, where an attack is less likely.
-TS: Many citizens in Uganda are providing mosquito nets, mattresses, and new roofs to refugees with the hope that the end of poverty would put an end to the LRA's power.
Pro 1:
ReplyDeleteThesis: The Chinese government has the right to use abortion as a method of population control.
TS: Population control has caused the major economic boom by reducing demands for food production, medical care, and education.
Pro 2:
Thesis: The Chinese government should have no involvement in the personal decision of a woman to have an abortion.
Thesis: The best course of action to stop human trafficking for sex is to make prostitution illegal.
Thesis: The best course of action to stop human trafficking for sex is to make prostitution legal.
Thesis: The rise in activity of Afghanistan's drug trade has been fueled by the need of civilians to make adequate amounts of money or help their families.
ReplyDeleteTS: The price of opium has more than doubled in recent years, and people are beginning to worry that because of the economic rise that the drugs will become more widely cultivated.
TS: In most parts of the Middle East entire families are addicted to opium because it is so widespread. Some citizens don't even think it has negative effects.
TS: Because Opium is so much more expensive than crops, farmers are beginning to grow the drug instead of actual food for their families.
Thesis: The rise in activity of Afghanistan's violent drug trade has been fueled by the greedy need for money by the Taliban and Al Qaeda.
TS: The Taliban has been very active in Northern Afghanistan in recent years to take advantage of the farmland that is perfect or growing drugs.
ReplyDeletePRO 1
Thesis: Women should attain realistic expectations concerning the rebuilding of the education system, and stay out of the danger caused by the Taliban by studying in secret.
Thesis: The only way to fight the destruction of the Taliban is for women to keep fighting for their education by continuing their attendance in school despite the risks.
Tiana Mills
ReplyDeletePro 1:
Thesis: In order to decrease the AIDS rate in Africa, help will be needed from different organizations.
TS- Organizations will raise money to help the cause
TS- Organizations will raise awareness
TS-Collaborations between organizations will have a significant influence
Pro 2:
Thesis:The AIDS epidemic will decrease when the people of Africa begin to practice abstinence.
TS- There will be a significant decrease in AIDS: it will not be passed from one partner to another, there will be a lower chance of children receiving AIDS
TS-Young people are coming to an accord to stop fornicating
ReplyDeleteThesis: Gilad Shalit must be retrieved regardless of the danger that his exchange could potentially cause.
TS: Israelis feel that Shalit could have been any of their sons or daughters who were kidnapped and will stop at nothing to rescue the hostage.
TS: Judaism, the religion of a majority of Israelis, encourages the idea of rescuing captives.
TS: Because Shalit is a member of Israel’s military, Israeli authorities have an obligation to set him free.
I didn't get to my pro 2 but here are my ideas for the two papers...
Side 1
Why must Gilad Shalit be released?
1. People feel connected because it could have been their son or daughter
2. He was fighting for Israel
3. Judaism talks about rescuing captives
Side 2
Why it is impossible for Gilad Shalit to be released?
1. Dangerous prisoners- future danger
2. Sets an example that violence works
3. Hamas gets what they want
a. Neither Palestine nor Israel want that
Thesis: The existence of WikiLeaks is vital for countries to solve their conflicts and to improve democracy.
ReplyDeleteTS: WikiLeaks is weakening the power of authoritarian states, and will eventually improve vox populi.
TS: As countries lose the ability of deception, honesty builds better foreign relations.
TS: Julian Assange emphasized the importance of keeping records as he explained that if someone were to completely erase something from the internet, then no one would ever know that history was altered. "To stand up against the forces of erasure, there is WikiLeaks" (Foreman 1).
Thesis: WikiLeaks is emphasizing the barriers between countries, therefore must be shutdown.
TS: Although WikiLeaks's original mission is "to undermine … and diminish the power of authoritarian states," the website has reaffirmed powerful countries', similar to America, power.
TS: WikiLeaks is causing unnecessary tension between countries.
TS: Diplomats have developed the "fear of exposure," which restrains them from speaking their true opinions to solve urgent problems.
ReplyDeleteThesis: The European Union should break apart because of the devaluing currency and the difference between strong and weak countries.
TS: If the currency appreciates, then the countries would be able to repay their debts at a lower price.
TS: It would be a positive move for strong countries to leave the EU in order to avoid being dragged down by weaker ones.
Thesis: The European Union must stay together in order to avoid "technical, economic, and political costs" (qtd. in "The Future of the Euro: Don't Do It" 1).
TS: If the EU stayed together, technical costs could be evaded.
TS: Additional economic troubles must be prevented to ensure the future safety of the EU.
TS: The EU should stay together in order to maintain the current political alliances.
ReplyDeleteThesis: The government should make minute changes to the NHS to fix the current problem.
TS: A complete upheaval of the system would be a insult to the NHS.
TS: Minute changes will be able to resolve all the problems.
TS: A complete upheaval will “threaten the very founding principles of the NHS” (“David Cameron: Public Sector Reform Cannot Be Delayed” 3).
Thesis: The NHS needs a complete upheaval to change its current state.
TS: The only way to repair the problems of the health care system is a full reform.
TS: The flow of power is so corrupt in the NHS, the only way to fix the problems is a complete change.
TS: If Britain delays the reform any longer, the school system, health outcomes, and trust and confidence in the law and order will slowly wear away (“David Cameron: Public Sector Reform Cannot Be Delayed” 2).
ReplyDeleteThesis: The Finnish education system is consistently successful because of the basic culture within this European country.
TS: The societal norms in Finland make educational success easy for the Finns.
TS: The supportive Finnish government allows for educational accomplishments.
TS: The languages learned and understood in Finland eliminate communication obstacles that could otherwise prevent educational success.
Thesis: The Finnish educational system ranks among the highest in the developed world because of the established atmosphere within the schools.
TS: The multiple, well-qualified teachers placed in Finnish schools are a key to this country's educational achievements.
TS: The classroom environment in Finland's schools create ample space for student's success.
ReplyDeleteThesis: The Kimberly Process is decreasing the percentage of conflict diamonds being traded globally.
TS: Diamond mines are monitored by Government Diamond Offices to ensure they are conflict free.
TS: Diamonds can only be legally imported into one of the 74 Kimberly Process countries.
TS: Each time a diamond travels, it must be accompanies by a warranty stating that it is from a conflict free source.
Thesis: The Kimberly process is putting consumers at risk of purchasing conflict diamonds.
TS: The Kimberly process is ignoring the open mines in Zimbabwe.
TS: Human Rights watch has confirmed that stones coming from Marange are mined in the context of human rights violations.
TS: The Kimberly Process has failed to deal with challenges in the past quickly and effectively.
ReplyDeleteThesis: The One Child Policy, crucial to the survival of the people in China, has saved the nation from starvation and economic destruction.
TS: Before the policy was set in place, the Chinese government feared overpopulation- a problem that can limit the food supply, make education ineffective, and impair sanitation.
TS: The One Child Policy has successfully decreased the population, effectively avoiding the negative effects of overpopulation.
TS: Since the One Child Policy has been put in place, China has experienced a long period of economic expansion.
The One Child Policy is destroying the nation socially as families abort, neglect, and kill their female infants and police use harsh strategies to enforce the law.
TS: Male preference, a problem that China has faced for thousands of years, was pushed to an extreme level when the One Child Policy was set in place.
TS: Because they are restricted to one child, Chinese parents have been known to have sex selective abortions, set their infants up for adoption, and kill their girls simply because of their gender.
TS: Not only have the people reacted poorly to their new restriction, the government has used cruel tactics to enforce the policy.
In your comment, please post each Pro's thesis statement followed by topic sentences supporting that side's position.
ReplyDeletePRO 1
Thesis: Globalization is and will continue to aid the global economy.
TS: The global economy is responding positively because of countries that are practicing globalization.
TS: Globalization can aid least developed countries (LDCs) in becoming more developed by opening trade routes, investing in economies, and advancing education.
TS: Globalization encourages the economic responsibility of countries when dealing globally which will ultimately encourage domestic economic responsibility.
Thesis: Globalization is becoming dangerous for the global economy.
TS: According to the IMF, if one advancing country fails to continue being successful the global economy will lose its 4.2% to 4.4% increase.
TS: Globalization leads to debt and tension between advanced and advancing countries.
TS: Globalization leaves too much power and responsibility for the global economy in a country’s hands.
PRO 1:
ReplyDeleteThesis: In order to solve this water crisis, the government must focus on completing the National River Linking Project.
TS: This first issue that could potentially be solved with the completion of this project is the flooding in the eastern Ganges region.
TS: With the water from flooding used for irrigation, the agricultural income and production will increase.
PRO 2: India’s government and its people need to assume responsibilities to treat waste, manage water conservation, enact legislation against free pumping, and improve irrigation processes and crops.
TS: The government’s duty includes the treatment of waste, the management of water, and the maintenance of infrastructure.
TS: Indians, particularly farmers, need to limit the amount of water used for irrigation, pay for pumped water, and switch to less water-intensive crops.
ReplyDeleteThesis: Anorexia in China is caused by the media.
TS: The media presents the skinniest of models which influences the people of China.
TS: multiple ads for weight loss pressures people in China to lose weight.
TS: The production of weight-loss machines gives people the desire to become smaller.
Thesis: Certain family environments cause anorexia in China.
TS: Family pressures such as living up to family members' causes anorexia.
TS: Parent's criticism of their child's body can cause anorexia.
TS: If anyone in a person's family is anorexic or abusive, then that person is prone to develop anorexia.