Friday, May 13, 2011

Merchant of Venice Acts 1-3

Post an analytical comment here--go in any direction you want! Just make sure you analyze and include textual support to back up your conclusions!

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Macbeth: Act 5 or The Movie

You choose! Analyze something in Act V or something in the movie...just get specific and dig beneath the surface! Remember: we are going for depth not breadth here!

1. Do not use "very" or "interesting"
2. Read previous posts before posting!
3. Proofread before posting!
4. Work to make your posts clear, concise, and to the point.

Good luck!

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Macbeth Film Analysis

To do well on this post, you must: 1.) Argue something. 2.) Examine at least one of the film production's closely, describing and refencing relevant scenes. 3.) Say something new and original. 4.) Proofread your post. Write thoughtfully and deliberately. Good luck!

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Macbeth Act 2 Analysis

NEVER MIND. Don't do this! No HW tonight! Same challenge: Choose a passage from Act 2 and ANALYZE it. You are allowed to include up to one line of summary, but otherwise your response should consist of an original argument and support. The support, of course, should come from specific references to the text. Include citations correctly. Push yourself to teach us something. We haven't talked about anything specific in Act 2 yet. You can do it.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Macbeth Act 1 Analysis

1. Choose a passage from Act 1. 2. Read it several times. 3. Understand WHAT it says. 4. Look carefully at its diction and syntax. 5. Note key words (double meanings, connotations, references, tone) and thoughtful sequencing. 6. Combine your observations into a thoughtful understanding of the entire passage. Articulate it for us in a carefully worded paragraph. Teach us the importance of HOW this passage is being said. Please write out the passage in the comment box before you comment on it. Proofread before posting.

Sunday, February 20, 2011


This is so cool! Check out Backyard Paradises.

Then, open a new comment on this blog. In one sentence, respond (good or bad) to the backyard utopia that most interested you.

After doing this research, I want you to think about what your version of a utopian SCHOOL would be. BNW focuses on a utopian society, Backyard Paradises focuses on utopian outdoor spaces...I want you to create a utopian school. I am very serious about this. What would it look like physically? What would the schedule be like? Who would attend? How would people learn and grow? How would the different grades interact with each other? Would students be graded? What special events would occur? What would be part of the daily schedule? You are welcome to answer all or none of these questions, but you must get specific, creative, and intentional with your description. Help us SEE this school and understand WHY it is structured the way it is.

These posts are due by the end of the period.

Structure: Begin with a one sentence quote (and yes, put it in quotation marks) that captures your vision. Then describe and explain your utopia.

My non-honors sections will vote on the honors descriptions; my honors sections will vote on the non-honors. The winning students (one honors and one non-honors) will earn 10 Bonus points on their BNW Test, get first pick on which day they would like to present their research paper topic, AND get a one-day extension on their research paper. Awesome!

Everyone will earn 10/10 points for completing this.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Pro-Pro Arguments

In your comment, please post each Pro's thesis statement followed by topic sentences supporting that side's position.

Thesis: Haiti's recovery efforts have been hampered by an corrupt and ineffective government.




Thesis: Haiti's recovery efforts have been slowed due to inconsistent global assistance and a severe drop-off of media and medical attention.




Monday, January 10, 2011

Global Issue Topics List

Please post your list of ten global issues you are interested in for your research paper. Next to three of your topics, you should include a 2-3 sentence statement of what the issue is all about (this should be in your own words--don't lift this from another source). Finally, please put an asterisk before the topic you have chosen for your research paper. Thanks!