Monday, January 10, 2011

Global Issue Topics List

Please post your list of ten global issues you are interested in for your research paper. Next to three of your topics, you should include a 2-3 sentence statement of what the issue is all about (this should be in your own words--don't lift this from another source). Finally, please put an asterisk before the topic you have chosen for your research paper. Thanks!


  1. 1. South Korea and North Korea Conflict
    - More than fifty years have passed since the North Korea-South Korea conflict (1950-1953), yet the only thing keeping peace between North Korea and South Korea is a truce; no peace treaty was signed. North Korea’s recent work in nuclear warfare has made an ominous future for the world. Tension between North Korea and South Korea has worsened after North Korea’s November bombing on South Korea’s island.

    2. Internet Censorship in the People’s Republic of China
    - In China, censorship was just a way in which the Communist Party’s central propaganda department edited what was broadcasted or printed. Now, censorship in the technologically advanced China hinders every mainland computer from the most popular internet sites today, which include but are not restricted to Facebook, Youtube, and Google.

    3. Wikileaks*
    - Wikileaks, a website by Julian Assange, has divulged the United States government’s documents concerning the country’s foreign relations and continues to divulge secrets. The documents reveal inhumane acts on civilians in other countries that have marred the country’s reputation. Julian Assange believes “Wikileaks exists in order to undermine the ability of governments to communicate secretly and diminish the power of authoritarian states,” (New York Times). Due to the release of the documents, United States of America's foreign relations have been severely damaged.

    4. Cyber Sabotage and Espionage

    5. Other Purposes for Social Networking Sites

    6. Pharmaceutical Corporations and Medical Research

    7. G8's Power

    8. Euthanasia in France

    9. Supply and Demand of Oil and Other Non-reusable Resources

    10. Rapes in the Democratic Republic of the Congo

  2. 1. Human Trafficking

    2. Haiti Earthquake

    3. One Child Policy in China
    -Because of China's already overpopulated cities and its increasing population, the government declared the One-Child Policy which stated that each couple can have only one child unless they can pay a yearly fee for each other child they have. This has caused an unbalanced number of boys and girls in the country as a result of the girls either being killed or given to orphanages. Recently, a statement was made about a possible recant of the One-Child Policy but was apparently a false statement made by a Chinese official.

    4. Global Warming

    5. Nuclear Weapons

    6. North Korea and South Korea Conflict/Korean Peninsula Conflict
    -North Korea possibly has nuclear weapons that are powerful enough to wipe out South Korea. They sunk a South Korean Navel Ship and bombed a South Korean Island killing 2 civilians and 2 military. This could create a conflict not only between North and South Korea, but also between the US and China as the US backs South Korea and China backs North Korea.

    7. The Possible Collapse of the European Union (Breaking Up of the Euro)*
    -Certain business costs have increased in some European countries faster than the other countries which causes the euro to become less competitive. If the euro was broken up and some countries changed to their own currency then they would be able to lower their exchange rates. This would make their goods much more affordable for the rest of Europe. But if this happens, then the currency rate could possibly come apart because the markets would take risks with other countries with large debts and minimum growth.

    8. Surging Commodity Prices

    9. Abortion

    10. Women's Rights in the Middle East

    1. hi idk if you will even get this but i saw your blog on the South Korea and North Korea Conflict, i hve to write a paper on it now and im having a little trouble, idk if you even still have stuff on it as ur blog was 2 years ago but if u do mayb u can help me a little,my email is

    2. Hi I an writing a paper on the one child policy, idk if you still come in here but if you see this could you email me @ I really would like your help

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  4. 1. GMOs (Genetically Modified Organisms)

    2. Google Earth- privacy related

    3. Gilad Shalit*
    Gilad Shalit, an Israeli soldier being held captive in the Gaza Strip, has been imprisoned by Hamas for five years (as of 2011). His possible release has caused controversy because of the Hamas' request to have 1,000 of their terrorists released in exchange for Gilad. During his five years of captivity, thousands of Israelis have held protests, written letters to their government, and remained passionate about his release while still acknowledging the situations downside with mixed emotions.

    4. Safety in Israel
    The state of Israel is surrounded by opposing forces on every border (not including the Dead Sea): Lebanon, Jordan, Egypt, and Syria. Just as there is a concern for Israel’s tourists’ and visitors’ safety, there is a concern for the safety of the citizens who live there. Security is clearly a top priority as all 18 year olds are required to join the army, personal guns slung over shoulders are a common sight in any part of the country, and most houses come complete with a set of metal shutters on every window.

    5. Online Privacy in China

    6. Sinkholes

    7. Traffic Jams in China

    8. Japan’s Killer Delicacy: Mochi

    9. Disney Sweatshops
    The sweatshops where Disney toys, books and other merchandise are produced provide some of the least humane work conditions in the world. Workers in Haiti, Bangladesh, and China are paid approximately 30 cents per hour and work from 8am to 11pm daily.

    10. Citarum River in Indonesia

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  6. 1. Illegal whaling-*
    Japan still largely active in killing whales and black market selling them. Sea Shepherds the largest activist group against the capturing and confining of whales and dolphins. South Korea is trying to tighten the rules to whaling by sending out scientist to take samples of dead whales to see if they were killed by fishermen.

    2. A small village in the Himalayan mountains between Nepal and Tibet are being disturbed by tourist coming to take Yarsagumba. This root is sold illegally over the borders of Tibet and Nepal to China as an immune booster. The Buddhist village believes it is against their culture to pick the root and acted violently when outsiders came to pick it, killing them all.

    3. Animals in the Australian floods: The crocodiles are hungry enough to eat the people walking through the flooded streets. The flooding creates a natural habitat for them and also poisonous snakes so 500 people had to be evacuated from the area. Also, some people are making an effort to save pets that were abandoned or lost during the flooding.

    4. Uk Union warns of cutting off 200,000 jobs due to reduction of government funding

    5. German contaminated eggs

    6. Scotland water crisis

    7. Guatemala bus bombing

    8. Homosexual rights

    9. South Sudanese civilians killed in an ambush
    by a local tribe

    10. Space junk

  7. 1. Russian Democracy
    2. Transgender/Gay Rights
    3. Women's Rights
    4. Honor Killings
    5. Drug Rings
    6. AIDS in Africa
    7. Blood Diamonds
    8. Haiti - One Year Later
    9. Euro Economic Meltdown
    10. Global Warming in the Oceans

    1. Russian Democracy
    Russia is famous for governmental problems but the current problem is an un-democracy. They hide behind a democratic flag when in reality nothing has changed from their dictator roots.
    *2. Drug Rings
    Mexico's drug lords have expanded their territories into America and beyond. Their vast drug rings hold thousands of people in addictive slavery and thousands more in fear of torture or death.
    3. Transgender/Gay Rights
    Discrimination has always been a problem in our world, but one group that often is shunted aside are the gay/transgender population. They are rarely heard outside of America because they are hidden in back doors and kept shameful secrets. They deserve a voice as much as anybody.

  8. 1. Human Trafficking
    2. Malaria in Africa
    3. Malnutrition in Africa
    4. Terrorism in the Middle East
    5. Abortion
    6. Prostitution in Sweden, Norway, Iceland
    7. Poverty in Kenya
    8. Genocide in Africa
    9. Orphans in Asia
    10. Haiti one year from now

    Human Trafficking
    * 1. Human Trafficking is the illegal trade of humans for sexual purposes or labor. This issue is especially prevalent for young women in South Africa. Girls are taken from poor rural areas to cities such as Bloemfontein, Durban, and Cape Town, and are forced to become sex slaves. This is a growing crisis since it has become one of the most profitable industries around the world.

    Genocide in Africa
    2. In the ongoing genocide, African citizens in Darfur are being murdered and abused by the Janjaweed, a militia consisting of Arab tribes. The genocide in Darfur has claimed 400,000 lives and many innocent people continue to die because of violence, disease, and displacement. However, other countries are hesitant to become involved because it is the government in Darfur that has caused this mass destruction and it's a challenge to work around them.

    Orphans in developing countries.
    3. The number of orphans in developing countries have increased greatly due to natural disasters, poverty, disease, and war. Their parents die from AIDS or other diseases or fall victim to abuse leaving children homeless and alone. As children, they lack education and independency and sometimes enter the cycle their parents have become victim to. This is a problem because orphanages are becoming full and some children are even left on the street to die.

  9. 1. Head coverings(hijab and burqa):Head coverings like the burqa and chadri are used to veil women's faces. They are very common in the Middle East, where religion calls for it. They weren't widely used because of their discomfort, but as the Taliban rose in Afghanistan, women caught not wearing them could be killed. While in some countries women do have the choice whether or not to wear head coverings, many others are forced to wear them to protect their personal safety.

    2. Acid attacks: Acid attacks are used as a sort of payback in many Middle Eastern countries. These attacks are usually prompted by marriage refusal, a wife dishonoring her husband, attempts to go to school, and refusal to wear the hijab or burqa. Thousands of women in the Middle Eastern countries have been blinded, maimed, or even killed because of this.

    3. Chinese sweatshops
    4. La Chureca (garbage city)
    5. African water crisis
    6. The genocide in Darfur
    7. Blood Diamonds

    *8. Child soldiers in Uganda: Hundreds of thousands of children in Uganda are taken from their beds at night by rebels and are forced to become soldiers for them. Because children are so vulnerable and easily manipulated, these groups find them easy targets. They are brainwashed of everything they used to know and turned into killers. And if the children don’t do what they’re told, they are beaten or killed.

    9. One child policy in China
    10. Honor killings

  10. 1. War in Iraq
    2. Poverty:
    a. About 80% of the world’s population lives on $10 per day and almost half of the population live on $2.50. This widespread poverty contributes to health problem and disease, hunger, lack of adequate drinking water, and illiteracy. If poverty around the world could be controlled or reversed, the problems that are its result could be conquered.

    3. Australian floods
    4. Obesity
    5. AIDS
    6. World Financial Crisis
    7. Lack of access to water in India*
    a. In India, a country with a rapidly growing economy and population, access to water is scarce. Water is needed for many aspects of daily life: drinking, cooling down factory machines, irrigation, etc. Not only is access to water limited, but purification of water is poor and many viruses, like Hepatitis E, remain in drinking water even after purification. Unfortunately, only 12 States in India have agreed to a State Water Policy which allows a sharing and even distribution of water among States.

    8. Climate Change
    9. Hunger in children
    a. Worldwide, more than 852 people live with hunger and 90% of them with chronic hunger. Malnutrition is passed from mother to child and is why many children are born with stunted growth and learning disabilities. 16000 children die each day from this malnutrition and the number of chronic hunger victims grows by about 4 million people per year.

    10. Global lack of education

  11. - Floods in Australia
    - Haiti recovery
    - Violence against women in Afghanistan by husbands
    Violence includes honor killings, domestic violence, and incarceration for women who run away. Oppression against women in the Middle East is an old practice, now getting some more attention.
    - Oil spill
    The accident could have been avoided. What are the long term effects? Are any new precautions being taken?
    - Nuclear security
    - Food dumping*
    What you thought was doing good actually does the opposite. Countries become dependent on donations and local farmers are put out of business. This is different than donations during emergencies.
    - Biodiversity
    - Fair trade
    - Population vs. resources
    - Mass Bird/Fish deaths

  12. 1. child labor

    2. deforestation

    3. sweatshops

    4. domestic violence in Afghanistan

    5. children dying from preventable diseases in Africa

    6. neglected education in India

    7. children born into brothels

    8. children and families living in La Chureca- La Chureca was voted one of the most horrible places in the world to live. It is a big dump in Nicaragua and it has so much pollution, it's hard to see! There are many children and families that grow up here in the horrible, gross, and unsafe conditions.

    9. child soldiers in Africa, especially Somalia- The US is funding a group to fight against the rebel group in Somalia. This group has many child soldiers! There are many children, boys and girls, that only know war and violence. Children are violently forced to fight for the rebel troops.

    **10. "kitchen fires" in India- When a woman's family is unable to pay the dowry when she gets married, her husband's family pours oil on her and burns her alive! This usually happens in the kitchen while the woman is cooking, so it took on the name of a kitchen fire.

  13. *HIV/AIDS in Africa: HIV is human immunodeficiency virus which causes the immune system to fail. If HIV is not treated it leads to AIDS, acquired immuno deficiency syndrome, which is fatal. The HIV/AIDS academic has the largest toll in Africa.
    - Child labor: Child labor is children working for multiple hours in fatal conditions for pocket change. Fortunately, there are child labor laws, however, there is still child labor going on.
    -Gang violence: Gang violence has been going on for decades. A gang is a group of people who see themselves as a family, like a brotherhood. Violence amongst gangs derives from drugs, territory, money, respect, and gang banging. Crips, Bloods, and Mafias are a few of the many gangs who partake in violence.
    -aminal abuse
    -human trafficking
    -Australian floods
    -Cuban dictatorship
    -honor killings

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  15. 1. *Floods in Australia
    Australia is currently experience overwhelming floods, another in a long line of news worthy natural disasters. The total damage to be done is not yet known; storm season is not yet over and water continues to rise. Australia faces great potential loss as coaling, their biggest natural resource which they are the world leaders in exporting, has had to be stopped.

    2.Rainforest destruction
    Rainforest deforestation in Brazil has been increasing since the 1980s. The main causes for deforestation include logging, mining and agricultural reasons. The damage caused by deforestation include soil erosion, floods, and oxygen loss.

    3.Media censor (focus on The media censor issue in arose from the communist governments trying to contain their people. Certain websites, TV shows and news is blocked causing. This can cause many international issues and a cultural strain that can create economic and peace challenges.
    4. Haiti earthquake.
    5. Blood diamonds.
    6. Pakistani Floods.
    7. stem cell research
    8. safety in the middle east
    9. energy crisis
    10. women's rights

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  18. Global Issues

    1. Iraq wikileaks

    2. Over population in India
    The population of India is approximately 1,155,347,678. This issue has been growing since the 1980’s as the birthrate rapidly increases, and the death rate is at a more constant speed. India occupies 2.4% of the world’s land, but occupies over 15% of the world’s population. This is all mainly due to economic hardships, lack of education, and demand of workers in agricultural areas.

    3. Rwanda genocide

    4. China pollution

    5. Government of Venezuela

    **6. Piracy in Somalia
    Somalian Pirates have been a problem throughout the European coast but mainly Somalia, a chaotic nation with a lack of government. After the Somalian Civil War in the 21st century, these pirates have hijacked thousands of ships, containing crew and expensive cargo. They then hold these items for ransom, charging millions of dollars. Because paying ransom is cheaper than replacing the lost items, the pirates earn the profit from the ransom money. The issue continues today because the pirates are armed and dangerous, making it hard for any government to control them.

    7. Drug Cartel in Mexico
    Mexico is a big area for drug cartel, also known as drug trafficking. The savage struggle for many drug cartel businesses to transport to the US or other countries has left disaster. Many Mexican citizens are left in fear, dead, harmed, or uncertain of their future in Mexico. Mexico has always been a supporter of illegal drugs but now is trying to oust the transportation of these drugs; therefore they are in battles with wealthy drug cartel businesses. This is a struggle between Mexican government and extremely wealthy drug cartel businesses.

    8. Economic collapse of Greece

    9. Chinese computer piracy

    10. Global warming

  19. 1. Mexican Drug War
    The Mexican Drug war has claimed control over the country since 2008. Drug cartels control gangs to fight for drug land and against other cartels. They maintain control of the media and have whole villages living in fear of their attacks. People all over the world still purchase the drugs that are fueling what is called "The Mexican Drug Holy War."

    2. Nicaragua- Children of the garbage dump

    3. Loss of biodiversity in the pacific coral reefs

    4. Environmental concerns in China: problems, policies, and global implications

    5. North Pacific Gyre
    The North Pacific Gyre is a meeting place of all of the major ocean currents. This creates a huge swirl in the ocean. The Gyre has been given the name "The Great Pacific Garbage Patch." It is basically a collection of plastic and Styrofoam from all over the world that has made its way into the ocean. The non-biodegradable waste threatens the lives of many ocean animals including jellyfish, sea turtles, and zooplakton.

    6. Christians Protest in Egypt

    7. Super Sizing Europe- McDonalds in Europe

    8. Illegal fishing in Australia and the Antarctic

    9. Haiti and the Dominican Republic relations after Earthquake

    **10. Genocide and freedom in Sudan
    A Referendum Election looms in the war torn Southern Sudan. The 21 year civil war between Northern and Southern Sudan has ended due to the 2005 Comprehensive Peace Agreement. The vote took place from this Sunday through Tuesday. On Monday, 11 people were killed in an ambush from a Northern Sudan tribe. The Sudan is still struggling to unite as a country.

  20. 1. Female Sex Trafficking
    2. Genocide in Darfur
    o For many years, Darfur has experienced civil war, and since the 2004, the governmental crisis has grown greater until it reached genocide. The current Sudanese government (led by dictator Khartoum) has been killing African-Muslim communities because some among them have challenged Khartoum’s authority.
    3. Gendercide in China
    o **Due to overpopulation, the One Child Policy was put in place. In china, men are more desired than women, leading to many abortions and killings of baby girls. To end such a crisis, China must step up law enforcement to prevent child negligence and murder and gradually get rid of male preference by making men and women equal.
    4. War in the Middle East
    5. Education in Developing Countries
    6. Racial/ Ethnic Profiling
    7. Women’s Rights in the Middle East
    o The Taliban, currently in control of Afghanistan, is the primary cause for the abuse of women in the Middle East. In their attempts to make “secure environments where the chasteness and dignity of women may once again be sacrosanct,” the lose all of their rights and often face cruelty. Women must cover their faces in public, they may not work, and education is not permitted, they may not go to male doctors without a chaperone, and failure to follow any laws lead to flogging or execution.
    8. Global Warming
    9. Global Drug Abuse
    10. Use of Non-Renewable Resources

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  22. 1. Hunger and poverty going hand in hand
    a. Because of food wastage and poverty, more and more people are becoming sick and hungry. In Africa specifically, so many people are dying every day from hunger and illness because of the poverty in the area.
    2. ***Internet rights in China
    a. The rights that people have in China, or don't have for that matter, are cruel and unusual. There are laws that have been passed that forbid people from looking up certain words in Yahoo or Google, and if you look anything like that up, then your internet privileges are taken away for an allotted amount of time.
    3. Human rights across the Middle East (different countries..)
    ○ In different countries across the Middle East, some humans are completely dehumanized and treated more like property than people.
    4. Aids in Nigeria
    5. Poverty in South Asia
    6. Freedom of Expression on the Internet
    7. Oil in the middle east
    8. Politics in Hungary
    9. Racism in Europe
    10. Immigration

  23. 1. Religious Intolerance
    -For centuries, wars have been waged over the conflicts of different beliefs. Countless people have died in the name of conflicting opinions. Even today in the Middle East, this struggle goes on.
    2. Childhood Obesity*
    -Obesity has been an epidemic that has plagued our world. For decades, our world's youth has lacked physical exercise and have become overweight or obese. This sickness is dangerous for our worlds youth and has to be stopped.
    3. World Military Spending
    4. Rights of Indigenous People
    -For years the rights of indigenous people have been ignored and refused. In America there is the ongoing case of the Native Americans, however, in Africa, the people of Darfur have been refugees from their own home for years.
    5. Rich Country Corruption
    6. Military Attacks on Schools in Afghanistan
    7. Education Rate in Kenya
    8. Drug Trade in Latin America
    9. China Beauty Heath Risks
    10. Nuclear Weapons in North Korea

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  25. 1. Sexually abused girls in Nicaragua

    2. Honor killings

    3. Democratic Republic of Congo: Mass Rapes in Walikale-- Eastern Congo

    For 4 days during the summer of 2010, the civilians of the Walikale Territory in North Kivu of the Democratic Republic of Congo were continually raped by armed men. One of the most shockingly horrific aspects of this gruesome violation of basic human rights is the fact that these mass rapes were ordered, premeditated, and planned. These attacks were part of a series against civilians by the FDLR (Forces for the Democratic Liberation of Rwanda) following military operations against the rebel group.

    4. Abused Afghan Women

    5. Human Trafficking in Sri Lanka

    6. Invisible Children- Child Soldiers in Uganda

    In Uganda, the long struggle between the LRA (Lord's Resistance Army) and the GoU (Government of Uganda) forced millions of children to do things no child should ever have to. The LRA abducted children from their homes, forcing them to become soldiers for their rebel army. For over 20 years, the childhoods of Ugandan children were taken away, because of one power-hungry leader.

    7. Abducted and Abused Mexican Migrants

    8. Nine Women Human Rights Defenders face legal proceedings in Nicaragua; 9-year-old raped and impregnated

    9. Police violence against native Chilean children

    **10. Schools destroyed in India, Pakistan, Afghanistan, and South Africa
    Education is a constant threat to manipulative leaders, more specifically, the education of women. In Pakistan, over 170 schools were blown up or burned down over a two-year period by the Taliban. On November 8, 2010, a primary girls school in Afghanistan was burned down by armed men. The protection of schools in these countries is an ongoing struggle and challenge.

  26. 1.Environment

    2.Human Trafficking

    3.Aids education

    4.Music programs and how music affects the brain - It is proven that music increases the brains ability to learn and memorize. However, schools all across the country have taken away music programs. If used correctly, they could be key. Music is found in EVERY culture. Is music being taken away from young students in other countries as well and what should we do as a global community to encourage the use of music

    5. Economic failure

    6. The water crisis-People all around the world do not have access to clean or safe water. People die everyday . There are ways to fix this problem but not enough people are taking the right initiative.


    8.Women’s rights in other countries

    9.The damage of space travel to our Earth-there are many people that believe space travel is greatly damaging the earths environment. While this is probably true, man has been curious about space since the beginning of time. Is it necessary? Should humans as a race stop sending people to outer space? How are we going to combat the human curiosity and the damage it is imposing on our Earth
    10.****The rise of natural disasters. What is causing it and why?-Over the past decade more natural disasters have been occurring. They are devastating and hard to recover from. What is causing this rise of disasters and can the blow of these disasters be cushioned in anyway? Are there trends and patterns in when and where disaster occur?

  27. 1. Obesity in young children
    2. ***Anorexia in teens
    Anorexia is an eating disorder where the person refuses to gain weight by not eating or by eating very little. This is a mental illness that occurs mostly in teenage girls because they do not like the image they see in the mirror. In most cases, the patients are in denial and refuses to accept the fact that they have a problem, and because of this, it sometimes results in death.
    3. HIV/AIDS in Africa
    4. Abortion
    The point of receiving an abortion is killing the growing baby in the uterus of a woman who doesn’t want it or can't afford to have it. Some abortions can be due to complications, commonly known as miscarriages, but most are professionally induced. There are very low risks of endangering the mother except when preformed unsafely.
    5. Floods in Australia
    6. Water shortages
    7. Indiscriminate killings on the Bangladesh border
    8. Iran- discrimination and violence against sexual minorities
    9. Prostitution
    Prostitution is the sexual selling of one's body for a return of payment. This usually occurs in women and depending on the state it is allowed or is illegal. Brothels are the places where the prostitutes live and where their customers come for service.
    10. Drug war in Mexico

  28. * In mine, I meant Piracy in Somalia off the African Coast. I'm not sure why I wrote European.

  29. 1. AIDS
    2. Global Warming
    3. Floods in Pakistan
    4. **Socialized Medicine - Socialized Medicine is government funded health care. Having a socialized medical system means that the government runs all health care, and there are no private hospitals. People who are pro- socialized medicine feel that everyone should be given an equal opportunity to health care. On the other hand, people feel that the government shouldn’t control everything and that you should earn the money to spend on your health.
    5. India – Iran Oil Conflict
    6. Swaziland Winning AIDS Battle - People have been wondering how Swaziland is Winning AIDS battle. They have the highest AIDS prevalence. Over the past two years, the number of HIV cases in the military has dramatically dropped and other countries are wondering what Swaziland’s secret is.
    7. Iraq- Pakistan War
    8. Angola Infant Mortality Rate - The Angola Infant Mortality Rate is 192.5 deaths to every 1,000 live births. This is the highest infant mortality rate in the world. This is due to lack of clean water, disease, and terrible living conditions.
    9. American Economy
    10. South Sudan Divided

  30. 1. Obesity in Mexico
    2. Starvation

    *3. Child Obesity in the U.S.
    a. America is known as the “fattest country.” Now, with all the unhealthy foods out there, obesity has affected the children of the world, but more so in the U.S. Approximately 25% of the children in the United States are obese or overweight. This has grown to be a huge problem.

    4. Aids among children in Africa
    a. HIV/Aids has always been a significant issue among Africans. It’s even worse when it affects the children. More than 1,000 are infected are newly infected with the virus every day and more than half die of Aids due to the lack of HIV treatment.

    5. Unclean water in Africa

    6. Haiti cholera epidemic
    a. 10 weeks ago cholera broke out among the Haitians. Cholera is an intestinal infection caused by contaminated food or water. With unclean water, Haitians are being infected every day. The number of deaths has risen to 3,333 and 140,000 have been struck with the illness. Haitian government estimates there to be at least 400,000 cholera cases.

    7. Abortion
    8. Women in Latin America
    9. South Korea bird flu epidemic
    10. Human Trafficking

  31. 1. International child adoption- 89% of children adopted are four years old or younger. 64% of children adopted are female. Every 2.2 seconds, another orphan ages out with no family and no home. 10%-15% of children who age out of an orphanage commit suicide before age 18. 60% of the girls go into prostitution and 70% of the boys become involved in criminal activity.
    2. Sweatshop workers- The International Labor Organization estimated that 250 million 5-14 year olds are working in sweatshops. Children have been discovered in GAP textile factories in India being forced to work in conditions close to slavery, working long hours of unwaged work, threats, and beatings. Inexperienced children working in the factories are often not taught how to properly operate heavy machinery leading to serious injuries and even deaths.
    3. Slave-made chocolate-Many young boys are tricked into slavery or sold as slaves to cocoa farmers on the Ivory Coast, which contains 600,000 cocoa farms which account for one third of America’s entire economy. These children are ages 14 or younger and are forced into hard manual labor 80 to 100 hours a week for no pay, extremely little food, and regular beatings. The Ivory Coast provides 43% of the world’s supply of cocoa beans. That means that almost half of the world’s chocolate is being produced by slave labor.
    4. “Invisible children”
    5. Genocide in Darfur
    6. Somali Civil war refugees’ financial success in Canada
    7. Drug trafficking
    8. Modern racism
    9. Sexism’s role in employment
    10. Education of children from third world countries

  32. **1. Natural disasters in the East (floods in Pakistan/ Australia)
    - Natural disasters have become more and more common in the last decade which could be a result of multiple things. The two biggest most recent natural occurrences that caused trauma to the lives and homes of millions are the floods in Pakistan and Australia. These floods have thrown both countries into complete chaos, as there are many discussions about relief options.
    2. Suicide
    - Suicide is the act of self killing. Most people don’t realize what an issue it is, but thousands of people world wide are effected by it. Suicide is not usually viewed as a major world issue, yet in some countries it is the third largest cause of death.
    3. Abortion
    - Abortion is removal or purpose termination of an unborn fetus or embryo, resulting in its death. Over half of the abortions performed in the world yearly are unsafe resulting in disabilities or death of the carrying mother. The fight continuing about abortion is if it is morally right and safe.
    4. Malnutrition
    5. Obesity
    6. Texting while driving
    7. Climate change effecting biodiversity
    8. After math of natural disasters (Tsunami, Haiti..)
    9. Religious intolerance
    10. Human Trafficking

  33. Malia West
    January 4, 2011
    Global Issues Paper: Top Ten Issues

    1. Israeli-Palestinian Conflict
    a. The Israeli-Palestinian conflict is both a human rights and socio-economic issue in the Middle East. It is an issue typically in Gaza, the West Bank, Western and Eastern Israel; yet this calamity spreads as far as Egypt. Its historical and religious background causes some countries to stay uninvolved, and also leads other countries into becoming very involved.
    2. Executive Branch’s increasing power
    3. Infant Mortality
    4. G-20 Summits (MAYBE)
    5. The “Globalization” of China
    a. Citizens around the world are becoming increasing speculative of China. China’s increasing involvement in different country’s economy. Beliefs are as simple as China trying to get more money to even out their economy to their population. Others believe that China is making themselves present in certain economies in order to make these countries fall in debt to them. Otherwise, quietly globalizing through their economy.
    6. Wikileaks!!!
    a. One man, by intercepting a radio system, was able to outline government secrets from numerous nations. To the point where he had to move in order to stay from being arrested from different countries. This is causing nations to rethink their security and technology, as well as making the people of the world more aware. But, for good, or for bad?
    7. Obesity and Malnutrition
    8. Radical Homophobia
    a. Whether radical or not, homophobia is an issue that numerous countries are facing. Still, countries in southern Africa are going so far to wipe out homosexuality to the point of killing all homosexuals. The issue of homophobia has brought up tons of anti-homophobia/ gay rights groups in North America and Europe. Still, it exists and more dangerously, it exists silently.
    9. Ethnic Cleansing in (Eastern)Africa
    10. Religious Freedom
    11. Ethnic cleansing’s tie to the economy
    12. Faulting technology, and its effect on the globe

  34. 1. Hiv and Aids in Africa
    2. Earthquakes in Haiti
    3. Human trafficking
    4. Aid orphans
    5. Over population in China.
    6. Blood Diaonds
    7. Honor Killings
    8. Illegal drugs
    9. Socialized Meds
    10. Censorship in China

    4. An orphan is defined as someone who has lost one or both parents. AIDS has always been a very significant disease in Africa. It is responsible for leaving vast numbers of children without their parents.
    5. China has the highest population in the world. Over population can lead to a lack of resources and housing. The Chinese government is working to find a solution to this problem with moderate success.
    6. ** Blood diamonds are diamonds that are mined in a war zone and illegally sold or traded to promote war activity. The people behind the wars desire control over the area’s lucrative diamond industry. Groups of people will kill and abuse the people mining until they are able to take control of the mines.

  35. 1. Malaria in Bangkok
    2. Drug awareness driven by U.N. in Indian schools
    3. Kenya schools
    4. Floods in Gambia
    5. Climate Change in Cancun
    6. Kenya's issues with gays and HIV
    7. China poverty
    8. African farm workers and HIV issues
    The HIV rate in JOHANNESBURG African farmers is 40 percent, higher than ever. This passed among people sexually because of the lack of using protection, even though it is available. Also less than 10 percent are being treated.
    9. Kazakhstan prisoners
    The condition of Kazakhstan prisons have gotten to be so bad that hundreds of inmates have sliced their stomachs open to get away from them. There are beatings, torture, and rapes in many prisons, but the prisons in Kazakhstan are bad enough to cause the inmates enough grief to cause self mutilation. Not only is this a bad problem, but the officials lie, saying that it is getting better. Therefore, nothing can be done until it is admitted that there is a problem.
    10. *China's One Child Policy
    This is a policy in china that was formed to limit the size of China's population. It has caused many problems with the lives of pregnant women. The policy has led to many abortions or abandonments to children. Because of a male's role in society, a baby boy is more valuable than a girl to parents. Because of this policy, female babies have been extreme victims of abandonment, along with any child who is not the first born son. This is because any child born after the first is illegal.

  36. 1.Human Trafficking – specifically South Africa?
    2.Has the oil spill has affected the economy of other countries
    3.Poverty crisis in Haiti today
    4.Poverty in South Africa
    6.Nutrition crisis in Africa today, ethiopia
    7.abortion/death penalty
    8.Water Crisis in Sudan, Venezuela, Zimbabwe, Tunisia, Cuba
    9.Global stock market
    10.Money for military vs. education

    1.*Human trafficking is the illegal trade of for the purpose of sexual exploitation or forced labor. It is the fastest growing criminal industry in the world. Even after a small sum of research it is obvious that human trafficking generally affects women and children more than the opposite sex; eighty percent of the worldwide trafficking victims are women and young ladies, such as myself. Fifty percent are children.*
    2.In UAE 45.7% of their money on military and 22.5% of their money on education and 8.7% on health… Pakistan spends 23.1% on military and 1.3% on health. There are several pros and cons to spending money on both sides.
    3.Globally, there is a growing obesity problem in children. This is growing a lot in the UK. Obesity is an abnormal accumulation of body fat, usually 20% or more over an individual's ideal body weight. Obesity is associated with increased risk of illness, disability, and death.
